Neuroplasticity: modifying our brain

Neuroplasticity (src:goconqr)

For a long time, the brain of an adult was considered as a rigidly fixed, hard-wired organ. The latest scientific findings, however, show just the opposite, proving not only something that Buddhists have always known, but also illustrating why psychotherapy ‘works’ … and that many of our weaknesses might actually be more changeable than we […]

Basics | 4 comments »

Are you a Psychopath or Narcissist? Self test online.

A test checking for traits of the following personality disorders has just been put online: Psychopathy / Antisocial Personality Disorder Narcissistic Personality Disorder Histrionic Personality Disorder Even among professionals, there is confusion about the meanings and differences between psychopathy, sociopathy, antisocial and histrionic personality disorder, and much more so amongst persons who sense problems in […]

Basics, Practice Blog | 52 comments »

Is it really Burnout?


Burnout or Boreout – in the last issue of the ‘counseling Corner’ / this blog I have already mentioned that people being ‘bored out’ often show similar symptoms to people suffering from high amounts of work-related stress. Interestingly, on a physiological level, the neurological and hormonal changes are quite similar between both of them, and […]

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Helper Syndrome

There is a weakness that is particularly frequent among people in service professions, causing burnout and depression rates in the service industry to be some of the highest. The ‘Helper Syndrome‘ describes a strong drive to make other people feel better. In some cases it is done to ease or divert the helpers from their […]

Basics | 2 comments »

Addictive Relationships

Almost everyone has seen it or even have personal experiences with what is commonly called ‘addictive relationships’. These are the forms of relationships where everyone around a particular couple might raise their hands in disbelief over why both partners are still together. There might be a strong and obvious imbalance between both of them, sometimes […]

Basics | 1 comment »

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS)

Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (ME) – besser bekannt als Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) – betrifft rund eine Million Menschen in den USA und noch mehr in Europa. Dennoch gibt es viel zu wenige intensive Forschungsinitiativen, kritisieren Experten in einer Aussendung. Die Zahl der Patienten steige an, aber das Wissen über mögliche Behandlungsmethoden fehle. Im Krankheitsverlauf zeigen sich […]

Basics | 9 comments »

Ist das bereits eine Depression?

Eine der häufigsten in meinem Online-Forum gestellten Fragen ist die, ob es sich bei den eigenen Stimmungstiefs bereits um eine Depression handelt – oder, und diese Hoffnung schwingt häufig zwischen den Zeilen mit, ob das “nicht alles wieder einfach vorbeigeht”. Und das ist gar nicht untypisch: 33,4 Millionen Europäer leiden an einer depressiven Erkrankung – […]

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