..and these are the 64233 dreams of 21411 other people...maybe of your neighbors, too? (please load the German version of this page (link above) to see all entries. Here, only the English ones are displayed)
[ Page 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 ]Rava (F, 15-19) from at:- If you had $/€ 100.000,-: what would you do?
"Sparen, und kleine Wünsche erfüllen" - If you didn't have to work for money anymore: what would you do?
"trotzdem weiter Arbeite, weil ich einen Traumjob habe." - If you could change a part of your history: what would it be?
"Gar nichts, denn es passt so wie es ist. Wäre vieles nicht passiert, wäre ich auch heute nicht die Person die ich bin."
Tim J (M, 20-24) from de:
- If you had $/€ 100.000,-: what would you do?
"Flügel kaufen und Studium/Lebenshaltungskosten finanzieren" - If you didn't have to work for money anymore: what would you do?
"Studieren" - If you could change a part of your history: what would it be?
"Nie geboren worden sein oder ein erfolgreiches Sozialleben aufbauen und halten können."
Jimmy (M, 35-39) from ca:
- If you had $/€ 100.000,-: what would you do?
"Travel around the world as much as possible." - If you didn't have to work for money anymore: what would you do?
"I'd probably play video games too much." - If you could change a part of your history: what would it be?
"I would force myself to study more while in college and actually graduate."
Elle (F, 50-54) from us:
- If you had $/€ 100.000,-: what would you do?
"I would buy a house and a new car and invest or save the rest." - If you didn't have to work for money anymore: what would you do?
"Write, draw, travel" - If you could change a part of your history: what would it be?
"I would go back and save my daughter."
kailas (M, 40-44) from in:
- If you had $/€ 100.000,-: what would you do?
"I will go on world tour" - If you didn't have to work for money anymore: what would you do?
"I will get engage in social activities"
Steve (M, 45-49) from us:
- If you had $/€ 100.000,-: what would you do?
"Help my children and then purchase a new camera." - If you didn't have to work for money anymore: what would you do?
"Pick up trash." - If you could change a part of your history: what would it be?
"Between childhood and 23 I wouldn't have become addicted to drugs and committed crimes."
diana puravida (F, 20-24) from at:
- If you had $/€ 100.000,-: what would you do?
"Schulden meiner Mutter abbezahlen. Teil-Schulden meines Vaters abbezahlen. Meine Schulden abbezahlen. Schwester und Freund Geld geben. Investieren (Immobilie, Business) Mit meinem Freund in Costa Rica zusammenziehen und reisen. Gesundheit (frisches obst, gemüse, entsafter, fitnessgerät) Schönheit (Wimpernverlängerung, Haare, Nägel)" - If you didn't have to work for money anymore: what would you do?
"Das, was ich jetzt tu. Soziale Arbeit und Selbstständigkeit im Ernährungsbereich, Reisen. Evtl würde ich mehr Zeit verbringen, an Büchern zu schreiben." - If you could change a part of your history: what would it be?
"Die Zeiten in denen ich wenig Disziplin hatte und mein Geld falsch ausgegeben hatte. zB sfatt zu sparen oder meine schulden abzubauen, in "luxus" auszugeben. Und, statt faul zu sein mehr sport und meditation."
Johan (M, 40-44) from th:
- If you had $/€ 100.000,-: what would you do?
"I have it, if I received another 100k nothing would change" - If you didn't have to work for money anymore: what would you do?
"Travel more, get involved in some project like saving a national park, animal species etc" - If you could change a part of your history: what would it be?
"Do less abrubtive closures (i.e. quit a job) etc to avoid damaging future relations"
Cynthia (F, 65-69) from us:
- If you had $/€ 100.000,-: what would you do?
"Down payment on a townhouse or condo" - If you didn't have to work for money anymore: what would you do?
"1) Artistic pursuits and 2) assist nonprofit charities that I care about" - If you could change a part of your history: what would it be?
"Something very damaging I did to my daughter over her 14th summer that damaged her for life"
dove (F, 20-24) from lu:
- If you had $/€ 100.000,-: what would you do?
"I will probably give half to animal shelter/association and keep half for myself. Pay back my tuition fees, and pay back my parents for all the money they have lent me." - If you didn't have to work for money anymore: what would you do?
"I would still continue to work because I don't want to be bored. But I would definitely work less than usually if it's for getting enough sleep." - If you could change a part of your history: what would it be?
"A lot: be stronger and stand for myself. Quit toxic people earlier or before they started to manipulate me. I would also probably not start to be friend with them anyway. I would save someone I lost."
sry für rechtschreibfehler... (F, 15-19) from de:
- If you had $/€ 100.000,-: what would you do?
"also da würde ich mir zuerst einpaar teure sachen kaufen, die ich mir bis jetzt nicht leisten konnte,dann würde ich den rest in 2 teile teilen. die eine hälfte würd ich für mich aufhalten und den rest dann spenden" - If you didn't have to work for money anymore: what would you do?
"lernen und die welt entdecken" - If you could change a part of your history: what would it be?
"meine vergangenheit"
Lya (F, 15-19) from xx:
- If you had $/€ 100.000,-: what would you do?
"in meine schulische Laufbahn/in eine Universität investieren" - If you didn't have to work for money anymore: what would you do?
"Als Psychiaterin arbeiten und/oder durch die Welt reisen um und besondere Menschen/Ort kennenzulernen (Personen mit Behinderungen etc.)" - If you could change a part of your history: what would it be?
"ich hätte mehr Geld zur Verfügung, um mir die Ausbildung leisten zu können, die ich mir wünsche"
Khad (F, 30-34) from my:
- If you had $/€ 100.000,-: what would you do?
"return it, if i obtain it illegally" - If you didn't have to work for money anymore: what would you do?
"draw" - If you could change a part of your history: what would it be?
- If you had $/€ 100.000,-: what would you do?
"Cocaine (+ Beta Blockers), Strippers + Whores, Cocaine WITH Strippers + Whores, oh and Blackjack. Maybe some oxycodone too." - If you didn't have to work for money anymore: what would you do?
"Monday: 1.75g cocaine, 240mg oxycodone (8x30mg chewy blueys | ~4 crushed + insufflated in a cola/codone mixture; 4 eaten). 40mg Memantine. 80mg DXM. Don't leave home. Play FIFA 19. Write, Write, Write, Write. Masturbate a lot, probably. Tuesday: 2500mg DL-Phenylalanine, 300mg Adderall (180mg XR | 120mg IR chewed/sublingual), 10-20mg Propanolol (Beta Blocker), 80mg Memantine. Study/Learn New Shit. Play Sporcle and/or Chess. Write, Write, Write. Wednesday: 1.75g cocaine, 300mg oxycodone (10x30 chewy blueys | 10 crushed+insufflated in an oxy/cola powder throughout day. 40mg Memantine, 100mg DXM. WRITE, WRITE, WRITE (at least 8 hours of writing on Wednesdays) Thursday: 3000mg L-Tyrosine, 5000mg DL-Phenylalanine, 500mg Chelated Magnesium, Vitamin K2 supplement, Full-Spectrum B-Vitamin Complex (sublingual, dissolving), 40,0000 IU Vitamin D3, 200mg 5-HTP, 300mg L-Tryptophan, 200mg Memantine, Eat 4 Bananas. Catch up on fluids with Oral Rehydration Solution. Shave, Shower, Buy New Weekend Wardrobe - Get ready for the next 2 days. Relax. Friday: In the AM, .25g cocaine + 60mg oxycodone (2x30mg chewy blueys | chewed/sublingual), more rehydration. 100mg 5-HTP, 100mg L-Trytophan. 1000mg L-Tyrosince. 4500mg DL-Phenylalanine. 750mg Chelated Magnesium. 30mg Memantine. Mid-Afternoon: Prepare for Nightclub, Stripclub, or Brothel (whichever it's gonna be that night). 120mg Adderal XR (4x30mg XR). Full-Spectrum B-Vitamin Complex (sublingual/dissolvable). Eat 40mg MDMA (crystals in gel caps). Get ready, head out. Nighttime: 50mg Sildenafil, 50mg Melatonin (anti-oxidant), 1000mg Curcuminoids (anti-oxidant), Share MDMA, Cocaine, and Adderall w/ new Female Friends. Insufflate 80mg MDMA. Remain Hydrated. 10mg Propanolol (if necessary). 2mg Alprazolam/Xanax (if necessary). Possibly 25mg more Sildenafil. Make away like thieves in the night with my chosen lady-friends. Saturday: In the AM: Recover & Recharge. Rehydrate. Supplement. Eat Huge, Healthy Breakfast w/ at least 6 Eggs for the Tyrosine & Phenylalanine. Relax, watch TV. Mid-Afternoon: Prepare for Nightclub, Stripclub, or Brothel. Trim beard & re-shave head. Chill and play Chess for a bit. Nighttime: 7g of cocaine in my pocket - plenty to share with the world. 10mg Propanolol + 4mg Lorazepam probably a smart idea. Pop 25-50mg Sildenafil as my new friends and I leave. There will be no sleeping. Sunday: Similar to Wednesday, but more intense. For one, will need 150mg oxycodone (10x15mg greens) + 150mg DXM + .5g cocaine for the day. Otherwise, lots of healthy foods, supplements, at least 4000mg L-Tyrosine, 5000mg DL-Phenylalanine, 300mg 5-HTP, 500mg L-Tryptophan, 150mg Memantine. At least 4 Liters of Oral Rehydration Solution. At least 35,000IU Vitamin D3. Lots of rest. In bed by 9:00 PM, to start over again. Rinse and repeat: Die by Age 55-60, but have the most possible fun I could even imagine." - If you could change a part of your history: what would it be?
"I invested $1000 in Bitcoin when 1 Bitcoin = $500, but chickened out and sold early - only turned a $250 profit. If I had held til the EXACT peak? That $1000 investment would have earned me $35,000+. Even today, that $1000 would be worth $10,000. Fuck fuck fuck. Same thing with Tesla Motors. I invested $2500 when their stock price was $~50. That $2500 investment would be worth $14,000 right now. But I sold early and only made $800. Also I should have never tried insufflating heroin - kinda ruined my life, since I didn't have the capital to support the habit. Plus heroin is addictive but not pleasurable really. Oxycodone feels fan-fucking-tastic. Cocaine has always been amazing. Adderall is great now that I know about Propanolol. And Benzos like Xanax can be helpful. The Sildenafil (Viagra) is 'cause Coke Dick is far more debilitating than Whisky Dick."
LLL (F, 25-29) from jp:
- If you had $/€ 100.000,-: what would you do?
"Spend 2/3 of it and save the rest." - If you didn't have to work for money anymore: what would you do?
"Do what ever that makes me happy." - If you could change a part of your history: what would it be?
"I will be not dating anyone until I’m mature enough. I won’t let anyone take advantage of my naivety."
Chaos (F, 25-29) from pl:
- If you had $/€ 100.000,-: what would you do?
"I would buy a lot of clothes and a personalised diet" - If you didn't have to work for money anymore: what would you do?
"I have no idea" - If you could change a part of your history: what would it be?
"I would definitely be more self-confident and say what I think"
Jesse H. (X, 15-19) from de:
- If you had $/€ 100.000,-: what would you do?
"Ich würde mir ein nicht zu teueres Haus kaufen oder eine ruhige Wohnung und würde mir ein tollen PC kaufen und mein Leben mit dem übrigen geld in ruhe und frieden leben ohne Finanziellen ängsten." - If you didn't have to work for money anymore: what would you do?
"Ich würde meine zeit hauptsächlich zuhause verbringen, oder alleine nach draußen gehen und die Natur und Freiheit genießen." - If you could change a part of your history: what would it be?
"Ich würde die Geschichte mit meinen Eltern, meine Kindheit in Kindergarten, Grund- und Regelschule ändern."
Claire (F, 40-44) from at:
- If you had $/€ 100.000,-: what would you do?
"Mir erst mal eine kleine Wohnung kaufen um sicher zu sein. Die andere Hälfte gut und verschieden investieren um MEHR zu haben, dann dieses MEHR zum Teil spenden." - If you didn't have to work for money anymore: what would you do?
"Einen kleinen Garten anlegen, Psychologie studieren, vieeeeellll Lesen und diskutieren, Vorträge halten über meinen Lebensweg, reisen, Menschen begleiten auf ihrem Weg. Liebe machen! :)" - If you could change a part of your history: what would it be?
"Ich hätte mir früher Hilfe suchen sollen, dann hätte ich jetzt noch mein Erspartes... Eine Kur hätte vielleicht mehr geholfen als meine Auszeit. Dennoch bin ich jetzt DA wo ich hinwollte, auf dem Weg der Weisheit! Sapere aude!"
none of the above sr. (M, 45-49) from us:
- If you had $/€ 100.000,-: what would you do?
"Hire a dominatrix,full time!" - If you didn't have to work for money anymore: what would you do?
"count my free money in my free time,and hire a dominatrix!" - If you could change a part of your history: what would it be?
Uma (F, 45-49) from at:
- If you had $/€ 100.000,-: what would you do?
"mir meinen eigenen Raum schaffen, genau so wie ich ihn mir immer erträumt habe, mit Blick in de Ferne, lichtdurchflutet und einladend für kreatives Arbeiten." - If you didn't have to work for money anymore: what would you do?
"mich mit Philosophie und Geschichte beschäftigen, mir mehr Zeit für die kleinen Dinge des Alltags nehmen, bewusst leben, vielleicht noch ein Handwerk lernen." - If you could change a part of your history: what would it be?
"Mit Fokus auf das Verwirklichen meines eigenen Raumes arbeiten und Geld sparen und mir dann Hilfe suchen, damit ich meinen Platz mit den verfügbaren Mitteln so gestalten kann, wie ich ihn brauche. Ich möchte ganz in meinem Leben sein und nicht in den der anderen."
Vici (X, 15-19) from de:
- If you had $/€ 100.000,-: what would you do?
"Reisen, meine Freizeit ausnutzen: Tanzworkshops, fashion, gutes Essen, Freizeitparks oder ähnliches.." - If you didn't have to work for money anymore: what would you do?
"Trotzdem arbeiten, als Tänzer; vielleicht auch studieren, Anatomie, Sprachen oder Wirtschaft sogar" - If you could change a part of your history: what would it be?
"Wahrscheinlich alle Szenarien, in denen ich keine Selbstsicherheit hatte"
Lil T (F, 20-24) from de:
- If you had $/€ 100.000,-: what would you do?
"Ein Teil spenden und ein Teil sparen" - If you didn't have to work for money anymore: what would you do?
"Ehrenamtliche Arbeit" - If you could change a part of your history: what would it be?
"Dafür sorgen, dass meine Eltern nicht nach einem Jahr Trennung wieder zusammen ziehen, um mir viel leid zu ersparen"
MrsMüsli (F, 15-19) from de:
- If you had $/€ 100.000,-: what would you do?
"Ich würde mir wahrscheinlich ein Haus in Norwegen weit weg von der Zivilisation kaufen. Rote Holzlatten und weiße Akzente." - If you didn't have to work for money anymore: what would you do?
"Ich würde daran arbeiten, was mich glücklich macht." - If you could change a part of your history: what would it be?
"Ich würde meinen Vater vor dem Tod retten und mich in eine Psychiatrie einweisen."
Prest (M, 20-24) from my:
- If you had $/€ 100.000,-: what would you do?
"invest in a business" - If you didn't have to work for money anymore: what would you do?
"travel around the world doing things i like" - If you could change a part of your history: what would it be?
"my past where im antisocial"
mehul (M, 15-19) from in:
- If you had $/€ 100.000,-: what would you do?
"i would hand it to police" - If you didn't have to work for money anymore: what would you do?
"i would travel around the world and learn new things" - If you could change a part of your history: what would it be?
"my teenage years"
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