Self Test on Psychopathy/Antisocial/Narcissistic disord

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Re: Self Test on Psychopathy/Antisocial/Narcissistic disord

Post Jun 09 2014, 08:37

WAG wrote:Hi Everyone.
Well, I took the test, and the results were similar to other tests I have taken: "You reached 93.75% of Factor 1; You reached 88.89% of Factor 2; You reached 100.00% in other relevant traits."
For the last 20 years or so, I have stayed under the radar by pretending to be normal. This has included faking emotional responses, and modeling my behavior after those people I know who are considered 'normal.' Does anyone else that scored high do this as well? And can you recommend any reading in regards to keeping up the pretense of being ordinary? For me it is a matter of survival, as I am very comfortable in my current employment and domestic relationship. I don't wish to accidentally rock the boat.

These were my results: “You reached 87.50% of Factor 1, 66.67% of Factor 2, 75.00% in other relevant traits, Score: 29 of 38, Narcissistic 4 of 9, and 100% of the range of general personality disorder”. That said mr.WAG, I am more “normal” than you are I guess, still, I can relate to you, even though I am less than half your age.

About the faking of emotional responses, man, all day long, especially when something horrible happens, I try to feel bad about it like everyone else, but I just can’t. Behavior wise, it’s a little more complex but yeah, same here. So no, you are not alone; well you kind of are; but for me it’s perfectly normal all the things you said, the lack of empathy most of all. About the recommendation, I have no idea what you’re asking for, but I know a very good read, you should definitely look that up, involves social behavior too: “Mosquitoes” by William Faulkner.

As for the “accidentally rocking the boat” thing, well I’m not worried (for obvious reasons, sorry), but I think you shouldn’t be either because you have social awareness, and that’s pretty much what you need to keep going without being “noticed”. Just try to keep your mind the most distracted as you can.


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Re: Self Test on Psychopathy/Antisocial/Narcissistic disord

Post Jun 12 2014, 18:21

Hi Snowman.

Yeah, been there on the lack of empathy. Had a guy we worked with get killed a few months ago, and while everyone else was (as I soon found out) still in shock, I asked if anyone wanted to get lunch. That did not endear me to my co-workers. I am trying to be 'aware' and have done a good job so far, but I occasionally slip up. Not worried, per se, but I don't want to screw up a good thing either by being myself. Took the test again, and scored a little worse (or better, depending upon the viewpoint). Hit a little higher on 1, and 100% on 2. Must have been what I had for breakfast

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Re: Self Test on Psychopathy/Antisocial/Narcissistic disord

Post Jun 14 2014, 15:49

Hello mr. WAG,

Oh man that’s hilarious but it sucks I know, so I guess I was wrong then, you don’t have that much social awareness, you know, I have the same line of thought but the big difference is , I don’t say it out loud, (I say whatever it is to myself and start laughing inside most of the times), because I know the reaction would be “wtf dude?” you know what I mean?, bottom line is, you have to pretend and try to understand how they’re feeling, act “normal”, it’s like asking a metalhead to listen to pop music, but it’s the price we have to pay. That’s exactly it, if you want to be accepted you can’t be yourself entirely. Yeah, if you’re proud of being like this or not, which I’m divided to be honest it’s not exactly a good thing, what’s your “viewpoint”?, Maybe you should seek counseling just to learn how to deal with it, I know I should. Well I wouldn’t know what you’re talking about but that was definitely it... do it again then, or not.

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Re: Self Test on Psychopathy/Antisocial/Narcissistic disord

Post Jul 02 2014, 16:15

To Wag

I dont know how you can hide it for 20 years, I cant even hide it for 3 months.
I have had 8 jobs in the last 15 years and there is only 1 of them that i havent left
because of this problem. I think im the best at my job and know pretty much everything
about a lot of things and get really insulted if people try to teach me how something is done.
it just feels like they think that i know nothing.
Im also very manipulative with women.
At my last job I was flirting with two women, eventually they both
somehow got talking and realized what I was doing. They were furious and werent talking to me.
But believe it or not I somehow talked them both around!
When i left that job those two women left at the same time as me,
and im really sure that is a result of my manipulations.

These two women are still my friends, ive had sex with one of them a few times since. Also trying my hardest to get the other one to do the same, which has been my main goal since I started that job.
Meanwhile im married with a 13 year old daughter. When I get home from my antics and realize that
my family dont know, I feel no guilt about it whatsoever.
Ive heard people call behaviour like this disgusting, but i go about it like its a normal way of life.
My brother died about 6 years ago, I went with my two sisters and brother inlaw to the funeral
hall to see my brother in the coffin. My sister started crying really loud, that cracked me up and
I burst out laughing. Luckily they thought I was crying. I thought to myself wtf is wrong with me.
Now after doing this test im beginning to put the peices together.


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Re: Self Test on Psychopathy/Antisocial/Narcissistic disord

Post Sep 23 2014, 02:28

Hi, Wag,
Not sure why the on impulse control. When empaths are riled/emotional, keep your mouth shut and watch. Often, silence is best when others are responding to stimuli and one's own responses are not within the norm. You are surrounded by living, breathing resources to be used to attain your own safety by learning from them and internalizing as best as you are able to in order to pass within the accepted parameters. I believe the hardest thing may be that the higher one places on the scale, the less impulse control seems to be in place. This lack of impulse control can make it quite difficult to bide one's time in order to learn from the environment. However, most high functioning psychopaths are able to use their intellect to make up for their deficits in other areas. If you are low-functioning, life is going to be a little rougher. JMHO.

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Re: Self Test on Psychopathy/Antisocial/Narcissistic disord

Post Sep 23 2014, 03:56

There is a possibility that you might have a psychopathic / antisocial personality disorder.
You reached 81.25% of Factor 1 which captures the core personality traits of psychopathy that define
the interpersonal and affective deficits of this personality disorder.
You reached 38.89% of Factor 2 which captures the traits of antisocial behavior.
You reached 100.00% in other relevant traits that can indicate this personality disorder.
Score: 24 of 38 [24:13/7/4]
There are strong indications that you might have a narcissistic personality disorder.
Score: 7 of 9
There is no indication that you might have a histrionic personality disorder.[D:3/I:2]
Lovely test. Thank you for sharing. It really took me a while to distance myself enough to try to see all of my actions as others would and not just as I would. I really do think people take things too personally sometimes. It really is never personal. We do what we do because we want to...some rationalize their actions in order to feel better or conform to religious or societal norms. I do not understand that. If you are going to do something, the least you can do is be honest with yourself about your motivations. I follow the rules because to not do so would make the chaos come that much closer to my own door, which is unacceptable at this time. And I hate chaos. I prefer to be in control of my environment.
As to the recommendation for followup, I think not. I have a lovely life, usually get what I want, and go about my merry way with barely a ripple. In addition, my attention span is relatively short when it comes to people. I seldom feel the need to harm others and when I do, it is seldom personal (besides, I have not done so in almost two decades). Why would I possibly want to rock the boat?

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Re: Self Test on Psychopathy/Antisocial/Narcissistic disord

Post Oct 12 2014, 12:27

I ended up this fairly low result with an 80% chance of a personality disorder. Could it be because I endorsed questions 29/31 and 32? I do, however, get high scores for Avoidant and Schizotypal personality disorders on online tests, but low on these types of tests. I also scored low on the Dark Triad and the LRSP online test as well.

There is no clear indication that you might have a
psychopathic / antisocial personality disorder.

Score: 3 of 38 [3:0/3/0]

There is no indication that you might have a narcissistic personality disorder.
You might have certain traits of narcissistic personalities but certainly not in a form that would justify a personality disorder diagnosis according to the standards.
Score: 1 of 9

There is no indication that you might have a histrionic personality disorder.[D:2/I:2]

You meet 80% of the range of general personality disorder criteria.
However, there are no clear indications of you having a psychopathic/antisocial, narcissistic or histrionic disorder, so there might be another problem not captured by this test.
Thus, is strongly recommended you seek a professional diagnosis to be sure what exactly you are dealing with.
It might turn out useful to print the previous page including your selections and take it to a psychotherapist, psychiatrist or psychologist.[G:4]

On the (MMPI-2 cached) I got extreme elevations, above 85T on (Scale 2 = Depression) and (Scale 7 = Pyschasthenia) and a depression, 31T on (Scale 9 = Hypomania)

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test is broken, i am perfectly fine, here's my test anyway.

Post Nov 12 2014, 01:18

Do you show symptoms of being a psychopath
or related personality disorders?
The Results.

There are strong indications that you might have a psychopathic / antisocial personality disorder.
You reached 100.00% of Factor 1 which captures the core personality traits of psychopathy that define the interpersonal and affective deficits of this personality disorder (e.g. shallow affect, superficial charm, manipulativeness, lack of empathy) and that are correlated with narcissistic personality disorder, low anxiety, low empathy, low stress reaction and low suicide risk. But Factor 1 is also associated with extraversion and positive affect - affected persons usually score high on scales of achievement and well-being, so some aspects of the personality disorder may even be beneficial for the psychopath (in terms of nondeviant social functioning or if it comes to profit from manipulation or lies).
You reached 83.33% of Factor 2 which captures the traits of antisocial behavior (e.g. criminal versatility, impulsiveness, irresponsibility, poor behaviour controls, juvenile delinquency) and is associated with reactive anger, social deviance, sensation seeking, anxiety, increased risk of suicide, low socio-economic status, criminality, and impulsive violence.
You reached 100.00% in other relevant traits that can indicate this personality disorder.
However, there are disputes over the correct diagnosis of psychopathic resp. antisocial personality disorders, and the standardization of clinical testing for APD/PPD is still in the process.
Regarding the perspective for psychopathic/antisocial personalities and treatment options, please refer to my article about psychopathy and antisocial behavior in the "Papers" section of my website.

Score: 35 of 38 [35:16/15/4]
There are strong indications that you might have a
narcissistic personality disorder.
There are slight differences between the major diagnostic manuals in how to diagnose a narcissistic personality disorder, with the ICD-10 manual stating that a person may only be diagnosed with a Narcissistic Personality Disorder if she/he does not meet the diagnostic criteria for a dissocial (antisocial, psychopathic), histrionic or any of the other personality disorders at the same time. For the DSM-IV manual, there is no such exclusion. It is unusual for NPD personality types to seek therapy, as they unconsciously fear exposure or inadequacy and will usually disdain therapeutic processes or the idea of psychotherapy itself, sabotage the therapeutic process or openly oppose it. Pharmacotherapy is rarely effective.
Score: 9 of 9
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There are strong indications that you might have a
histrionic personality disorder.
There is, however, no scientific test to confirm this diagnosis other than to verify the symptoms by subjective means. Thus, some people may be wrongly diagnosed as having the disorder while others with the disorder may not be diagnosed - with the result that treatment is often only prompted by depression associated with dissolved romantic relationships. Medication does little to affect this personality disorder, but may be helpful with symptoms such as depression. Psychotherapy may be of benefit and will aim at self-development through resolution of conflict and advancement of inhibited developmental lines.[D:14/I:10]
You meet 100% of the range of general personality disorder criteria.
This further indicates that you might have to deal with a severe personality disorder.
Thus, is strongly recommended you seek a professional diagnosis to be sure what exactly you are dealing with.
It might turn out useful to print the previous page including your selections and take it to a psychotherapist, psychiatrist or psychologist.[G:5]

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Re: Self Test on Psychopathy/Antisocial/Narcissistic disord

Post Dec 02 2014, 15:48

Having taken this self test, not the first, then the result is always the same; psychopath, NPD and if they tested sexual sadist, I'd be that as well. I've known who I am since I was 10 years old; I have no problem with it. Personally, I don't actually see what the issue is.

My problem with all of this? Just because I am not in the centre of the bell curve of society doesn't make me ill. I'm not ill. I have no issues. My life is great, we're not poor, my wife is fantastic and also has high reading for psychopathy. Our kids are now adult, healthy and successful. My wife and I never argue and after 10+ years, everyday still seems like the first. We idolise each other and love our little dog.

People holding up "Well, this is what a normal person feels" and then saying "But because you don't, then you're ill" is I have to say imo, complete garbage.

It is a bit like the experiment where several Phd psychology students got themselves sectioned into psychiatric hospitals... and not one of them could get themselves released. Because all they did when there was seen from a perspective of 'they are sectioned so must be acting abnormally'. For example one girl kept a diary for later perusal to help her write up the research.. they had her down as having a 'abnormally compulsive writing fixation'. Instead of 'girl keeps a daily dairy'.

As far as I can see, if I'm not normal then thank God for that. Not because I am ill and NPD so I can't see it... but because from what I see of 'normal' people, if I'm supposedly ill, what ++++ does that make them?

The public in general are rude, abusive, racist, discriminating, vile and generally unpleasant all mixed in with an IQ at room temperature most of the time. Really, try reading things such as the Yahoo forums and be stunned that all out social war has not yet broken out in the EU.

If you as a person have some actual issue in your life which you think is caused by something, then of course, sort it out. Otherwise it is hypochondria of the worst sort. "I think I am ill, therefore I am", you know, that is a very dangerous game to play

But if it, whatever 'it' is, is not affecting your life... whilst remembering every single person has some issues which they manage without recourse to a shrink.... then don't let anyone tell you you're ill.

It is ludicrous, you're only as insane or sane as the next person in my experience.

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Re: Self Test on Psychopathy/Antisocial/Narcissistic disord

Post Mar 03 2015, 04:26

You reached 56,25% of Factor 1
You reached 77,78% of Factor 2
You reached 100,00% in other relevant traits that can indicate this personality disorder.

Score: 27 of 38 [27:9/14/4]
There are strong indications that you might have a
narcissistic personality disorder.

Score: 9 of 9
There are strong indications that you might have a
histrionic personality disorder.

You meet 100% of the range of general personality disorder criteria.
This further indicates that you might have to deal with a severe personality disorder.

I have been told many many times that I am the kindest & most thoughtful yet most intense person that people have ever met....just thought I'd mix that in with all this psychopathic stuff.

I am suicidal, but I am not your responsibility. You are mine for whenever you are within my influence.

Also, I am quite aware that psychopathy also spikes & is technically like a dreamer waking up from a nightmare, not being able to fall back to sleep....& that a "Sandman" will come to help with guiding me back into "The Dream".

I am not necessarily looking for "help" for myself. I am more concerned with my brother, who is definitely more psychopathic than I am...but with stark visibility, insecure.

Just saying that psychopaths are caring people...even heroic...they just get very, very, very frustrated with people. Hatred is Love in Motion...granted most of the time we observe it to be a self-love only...rather than a bridge between Fear & Hatred in order to lift people out of Loneliness & Despair while struggling with/against Bitterness &'s just that most people want to see Love & Hate as opposites rather than what compliment the other.

Nope. Fear is opposite to both Love & Hate. I have been stricken with fear to the core of my soul, so I became fear itself.

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Re: Self Test on Psychopathy/Antisocial/Narcissistic disord

Post Apr 02 2015, 01:33

In retrospective, this test wasn't so accurate after all. And I'll tell you why. As Drave said "you're only as insane or sane as the next perso"n. Well, lets say my family is not very sane. The environment you grow up with, the behaviour of close ones, and their attitudes towards you, all these "little" things, have influence on your personality. Either you like it or not. My father was an alcoholic, drug addict, and an overbearing pr#ck. But after all these years, I realized it's my mother who is the psychopath narcissist one. So if I'm being honest with myself, it was my "defense mechanism" that led me to act like I had this disorder. It's not easy to live with someone that is so selfish, mean, manipulative, and tries to deny it because, well, someone like this lives for the appearences as you know. It's difficult, and you end up trying to act nice and different towards other people, because you're so used to defend yourself against a really mean person.

So, I think the result of this test depends greatly on your own status quo.

If you have this disorder, you know it, you don't need tests to tell you about it. You just know it. Or don't, if your IQ is rather low. But my point is, if you have had some questionable actions, reactions, or thoughts lately, in times of some trouble, in my insignificant opinion, you are just human.

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Re: Self Test on Psychopathy/Antisocial/Narcissistic disord

Post Feb 18 2018, 03:16

"There is no clear indication that you might have a
psychopathic / antisocial personality disorder. --
You reached, however, 50,00% of Factor 1
You reached, however, 44,44% of Factor 2
You might have certain traits of antisocial or psychopathic personalities but certainly not in a form that would justify a personality disorder diagnosis according to the standards.
Score: 18 of 38 [18:8/8/2]
There are strong indications that you might have a
narcissistic personality disorder.
Score: 5 of 9
There is no indication that you might have a histrionic personality disorder.[D:4/I:3]
You meet 80% of the range of general personality disorder criteria. -- Quelle: ... athy.phtml

The result suprised me a little, not so much result about having a few psychopathic traits, I was aware of that.
My father is pretty surely a Psychopath, and seeing the way he raised me its no suprise that I didnt fully shed of that part and have a few traits of it, and lets admit it Manipulation isnt always this horrible backhanded thing, manipulation can be a benefit of everyone involved. Sometimes its the only means to get ahead where honesty would fail, even in making sure that dynamics in friendcircles dont fall apart, or when other people actively wreck dynamics - a little subtle manipulation can actually help with making sure it returns to being peaceful when people start getting at each others throats. Thats my experience atleast.
What suprised me was the part of me having strong indications for narcisstic personality disorder, I dont think I am narcisstic. I actually have a high amount of empathy, it just doesnt always include every person. Its a strong divide between people I empathize with deeply, and people I empathize with/ understand how their emotions work, but I simply do not care about and dont have problems with using them for my gain - without harming them.
I dont think I am above anybody, but I do think highly of myself.
I am officaly diagnosed with cptsd because of severe childhood trauma caused by two different people, for one my father and more importantly another person who had a fantasy of turning me into his 'accomplice'.
But I am actually described as a empathic, caring and very helpful person by everyone close to me, and even by people that arent in my intimate circle. A lot of people did end up overly obsessed or emotionally addicted to me though, and some of them ended up acting very submissive and others tried to control me because of it as well, which is a repeating pattern, most of them did deify me in some form, calling me their 'god' or 'queen' and giving me serious worship, but that actually never was something that appealed to me - yet its weird that it keeps repeating, so maybe I am overlooking something about myself? I find that kind of intimidating to be honest, thats a lot of responsibility they are trying to give me, and its not healthy for them either in the slightest.
I can be rather vengeful, but in cases like, when I got raped but it was impossible to prove in court, if the system doesnt help me, as it hasnt with the abuse in my childhood either - then I have to help myself. A lot of me seeking out thrill and dangerous situations might be due to my trauma, and lets take a recent example, it was one of these situations where a Invidual had developed these kind of feelings for me - he ended up trapping me in his flat for several days and he sexually abused me with the almost usual 'I dont know what to do.. I think I love you. I love you. Who could ever hurt something so pure? I want to destroy you but I also just want to take care of you.. Just say youre mine and I wont need to hurt you.. Please. I know that you are above me, I know that I am so far below you but thats why I need to do this to you, dont you understand? ' Like, that kind of bullshit, this individual for example had a job as a prison guard and to get his job he lied about his diagnosises, which means - he wasnt even allowed to have the job, my revenge was just making sure he looses his job and the way I did it was totally legal, it was his own fault for telling me about his diagnoses if he couldnt hold back his urges towards me. I doubt that this kind of thing makes me narcissistic.

Sorry, it appears this turned into a rather lenghty vent (sob story? haha)
But for real, someone with npd cannot possibly have a high empathy, right?


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